Friday, November 1, 2013

Thirty Pearls from a 30-year-old

Thirty pearls from a 30-year-old

        Let me show you how to save money and have less stress in your life through my experiences. I am writing this to encourage you and help you reach your goals in life. I have made more poor decisions, wrong turns, and outright bad choices than I care to remember.  I have a long, long way to go before I’m the type of person I want to be.   I’m a cancer survivor, wife, mother, and about to be a small business owner.  As I reached thirty years of age I looked back at all the things I had learned over the years that I wish I had known when I was 18.  

Disclaimer:  Many of these things are contrary to what you have been told and may offend, that is not their intent.  These words are meant to encourage those who may not hear words of encouragement from others.  You can achieve ANYTHING you put your mind to.

1.  Getting credit cards are easy, good credit is not.  The best way to get good credit starting out is to have one credit card from a good bank and almost pay it off completely each month.  Use is like a checking account, not a “free money” card.  Never charge what you cannot pay at that time.

2. You don’t need 90% off what’s in the cleaning isle of the super market.  Most cleaners you can make yourself at a very small fraction of the price and are healthier for you.  Google: Cleaner DIY Your grandma didn't have Lysol wipes or swiffer dusters, I promise.

3. Being a good person will get you far.  Yes, there are those that will take advantage of your kindness, but way more people will reward your kindness.

4. Question and listen to responsible people older than you.  If someone is living their life the way you see yourself at their age, ask them how they got there.  They will be happy to tell you and their advice is invaluable and free.

5. You don’t need sleep aids (i.e. alcohol, nightquil, marijuana), you need a good book.  Reading is fundamental. Are you in need of a good self-help book?  Try the original, the Bible.

6. Patience is a virtue.  “Stupid people,” as you so labeled, aren’t acting that way to irritate you.  They may need guidance, support, information, or direction.  It is your responsibility to help others and you will benefit from it every single time.  The same goes for children and babies. 

7.   Many churches are corrupted by bad people and organizations.  If a church promises blessings of wealth or jobs then asks you for donations/tithes, this is a red flag.  Don’t hold this against God, Jesus didn’t attend or establish churches while He walked this earth.  In fact, He was appalled by people making money at the Temple.

8. Get outside.  Being inside with artificial lighting is depressing to your brain.  Fresh air is good for you.

9. Search and go to as many free events held in your city as you can.  There is a lot of free activities, you meet people, and have fun.  For FREE!

10.  Commercials are as deadly as a plague.  TV itself is pretty bad now, commercials are way worse.  Turn the TV off when you’re not watching it and record just the shows you want.  Think of TV as a drug, try to keep it off for a week straight, then a month.  If this frightens you, you are addicted.  Been there.

11.  Surround yourself with motivating people that want you to succeed.  Not only will this inspire you, it sets you up for success.  Pray for everyone else.

12.  Be confident with who you are, there is only one you.  “God made you special and loves you very much,” truthful words from Veggie Tales.  Every single feature and characteristic was planned carefully before you were born.  You are you for a reason, now go found out why.

13. Patience is a virtue.  Yes, this needs to be repeated.  Situations in your life happen when they are supposed to.  Enjoy your present situation, you are supposed to be there and you can change that to get where you want to be in time.  Don’t rush life, it will happen.

14.  You are your biggest cheerleader.  No one will pump you up more than you.  Never tell yourself you can’t.  You can.

15.  Words speak life or death.  Before you speak think of the person you are speaking to and focus on speaking life into them through words.  If you want to deliver the opposite message reevaluate the core reason of your intent.

16.  Reality TV isn’t real. It is designed to make you think that way of life is either desired and hard to obtain, or unattainable so don’t even try.  The producers make the show appear a specific way, it is as fictional as cartoons.  These people are not your friends, they don’t know you, they don’t care what you do with your life, and their shows are aimed to inhibit you from achieving your goals.  Stop watching.

17.  You can fix almost anything that breaks.  It costs too much money to keep replacing items.  Your grandparents fixed things themselves, you can too.  There’s a youtube video for everything.

18.  Look for the good in everything and everyone.  It’s there under the surface 99% of the time and you can learn something from everyone. Ask : why would they say this, how can I use this feedback to help me, is this a cry for help, how can I apply this information.

19. Your parents are human, they make mistakes.  But trust this; the very last person in the entire world they would ever want to hurt or disappoint is you!  Forgive them for their mistakes and learn from them.

20.  The very best stress relievers are exercise and good sleep.  Everything else is just a distraction from the reality you’ll need to face sooner than later.

21. Crying is therapeutic.

22.  Listen more; speak less.

23.  When in self-doubt: Pray.  Works every time.

24.  On a monthly basis look at all your bills and ask yourself: Can I live without this one?  Obviously you need necessities like water and electric.  Lay out the nice-to-haves and see if you can find freer alternatives or go a month without one to alternate another.  Also, once you are out of contract with a provider, call in to discuss cheaper alternatives to your plan and research competition.  Cable alone can usually save you $25 or more per month.

25.  Save your money!  Create a savings account and add as little as $5/month if that’s what it takes to get you started.  If your employer matches your 401k, do it to the max.  Cutting back nice-to-haves now will benefit you tremendously in the future.

26.  The future will be here one day; stop acting like today is your last with the reckless behavior.  Living life to the fullest means appreciating everything, not spending every dollar you have at the bar.   You’ll want to buy a house with that money one day.

27.  List out your goals and keep them visible, like on the fridge.  If you see where you want to be daily, it will help keep your mind right throughout the day.  Keep your eye on the prize!

28.  Tell yourself daily that you are the perfect package.  Look for a partner that appreciates the beauty in you and that is you.  Date with the purpose of marriage by going into dates with a business mindset.  Does that person have the characteristics that you are looking for as a husband/wife?  If not remember

29.  “Buy used and save the difference,” family saying of the Duggars.  Used does not mean bad or broken, it means a better deal for now to help you afford the expensive things later in life.

30.  Your spouse is your best friend and partner for life.  Marriage is hard, it takes a lot of work on both parties but it is the most rewarding relationship you will ever have. 

                These are my pearls of wisdom to you and I present them as a gift. These words are honest and I don’t want to offend you, as these are meant to be words of encouragement.  I learned most of these lessons the hard way and I hope to prevent you from making the same mistakes.  Making mistakes are a part of life and don’t ever feel bad about your mistakes.  Forgive others as you are forgiven.  God forgave you for every mistake you have ever made before you even asked Him to forgive you.  Breathe easy and focus your life on your goals.  May God bless you!