Saturday, September 29, 2012

Thank you!

My First Blog

This is the start of my blogging career, a long time coming.  First, a little about me.  My name is Devin, I am a wife and a mother.  I work full-time and I'm trying to find ways to stay at home and raise my little girl, Ava.  So, this blog is really for her.  I am a child of the 80's and grew up in the age of disposable.  We throw away things as soon as they are first used or get a little worn.  I'll be honest, I never thought twice about reusing, making from scratch, or repurposing.  Until now.  I see a whole new world.  

After doing some research and probing my mom and Grandma, I realized how easy it is to save money around the house, on groceries, household items and gifts.  All it takes is little changes here and there to start a snow ball of money saved.  Yes, it's that easy.  I wanted to share all my research with my friends and their friends and anyone who wants to save cash, raise a child, or start their own business.

This blog is going to be an outlet for all the money saving ideas, cheap fixes, home-made gift ideas, cheap delicious meals, and how I found them all.  I am also going to have a section for the start-up home business I'm hoping to develop, Boo Boo's Bakery.  I make the most delicious doggie treats and everyone keeps telling me to market them.  I'm going to write about how I'm starting the business and hopefully sell one or two.  :)

I want this to be a discussion with friends so please don't hestitate to comment, write and share.  My best friend, Kelsey, is the one who encourages me to live frugally and be crafty.  Us girls need to stick together and learn from one another. 

Thank you for reading and let's save money and make money together.  Happy Blogging!  :)

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